

Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2017


top computer
William Yap tools.

world clock

top computer
William Yap tools.

clock html5

top computer
Advanced Clock

flash clock

top computer
William Yap tools.


top computer
You’re probably here because you’ve seen Wininit.exe in Task Manager and you are wondering why it is running on your computer.  Worry not, typically this process is pretty safe, it is made by Microsoft, and is installed with Windows.  However, there is quite a bit of mystery revolving around this executable and many websites will tell you it is a virus.  Let’s look at this process with a little more detail. Where winit.exe came from Winit.exe (Windows Initialize) was made by Microsoft and is core system process that originated in Windows XP, since it has been passed down to both Windows 7 and Vista.  The file was created to allow uninstallers to run and process commands stored in the file WinInit.ini. This allows programs to take action while the computer is still booting up. In Windows 7 and Vista, it primarily acts as a launcher for the majority of the background applications that are always running. The file is stored locally on your computer at: C:\Wind...

in vs at vs on

top computer
English grammar preposition LIVE ON or LIVE IN or LIVE AT Use "on" when it is a flat place and you are living on top of it: I live on the fourth floor of the high rise building. He lives on the river. I live on the plains of Texas. The Native Americans lived on the mesa. Penguins live on the ice.  Use "in" if you can go inside of it: (It has boundaries or walls) He lives in a houseboat on the river. Mark lives in an apartment. The fox lives in a foxhole. The elephants live in the forest. John lives in Washington, DC.  The fish live in the river.  Bears live in caves in the winter. They live on icebergs in the summer.  Use "at" if it is a location that you can point to on a map. I live at 550 South Main Street. I live at the cormer of Oak Street and Pine Street. SEE YOU ON or SEE YOU IN or SEE YOU AT (date and place) Use on for a day or date: I'll see you on Tuesday. I'll see you on August 10th. Use in for a place that you can go inside, or ...

regedit service start type

top computer
Start HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\  service-name Data type Range Default value REG_DWORD 0–4 (There is no default value for this entry.) Description Specifies how the service is loaded or started. If the service is a Win32 service, the value of this entry must be 2, 3, or 4. This entry is not used for network adapters. Value Meaning 0 Boot (loaded by kernel loader). Components of the driver stack for the boot (startup) volume must be loaded by the kernel loader. 1 System (loaded by I/O subsystem). Specifies that the driver is loaded at kernel initialization. 2 Automatic (loaded by Service Control Manager). Specifies that the service is loaded or started automatically. 3 Manual. Specifies that the service does not start until the user starts it manually, such as by using Device Manager. 4 Disabled. Specifies that the service should not be started.  Note This information is presented for reference o...

comparison adblock, myscript & adguard

top computer
To enable this feature,  open this dialogue  and click  Add . Only use All In One, don't use other script, because the original adblock script too many tolerate some advertisement, if you use other, that's mean you give permit tolerate advertisement which I had delete it. If you don't have adblock, please install  Adblock Plus  at below link, before use my script. Thanks you Please select your browser Install for Firefox Install for Chrome Install for Opera Install for Android Install for Internet Explorer Install for Safari Install for Yandex Browser Install for Microsoft Edge Why William Yap script is the most perfect? Because contains all script below and has delete compromise with famous website and call All in One script .