How if I get a slow network?
Ok, I explain for you.
temporary DNS UDP we can't use at routering personalDNSfilter, because of get attack at UDP port, so they close the fastest UDP port, so we can't use it again for temporary, until they open the UDP port for we use it again.
IP = port 53
Endpoint =
this temporary we can't use at routering personalDNSfilter. so don't checkmark it, if when you try to ping error at personalDNSfilter, uncheck this UDP, until they give us permit to use
so for prevent error and get the fast network, temporary use only DOT DNS and DOH DNS. some setting of combine DNS routering you can read at my post in here.
IP = port 853
Endpoint =
IP = port 443
Endpoint =
the explain for this case, see this my video
if you want use at UDP DNS also can, but you must check it at: If you get score B or score C, don't use UDP DNS.
Use UDP DNS only when your score get A
thanks you